The Graze V.176: Flow Like Honey

Hi Friends:

It's the season of honey! 💚🐝

Our "Queen Beekeeper" Kim began extracting honey this week from the hives at Mission Farm. Despite various challenges, such as bears and wet weather, the hives are overflowing with honey. There is enough for us to harvest some while still leaving plenty for the bees to overwinter.

Kim spoke with great affection about the generosity displayed by the bees as she gently removed the filled honey frames. The bees create a space of contemplation, and as their golden honey flows, we too are drawn out and brought together. Honeybees offer healing properties in their honey, beeswax, and propolis that is produced in their life process. All of this is generously offered to us as a gift.

The honeybees at Mission Farm bring blessings. We offer our own this week:

May the intensity of the bees' generosity awaken in us a reminder of the fruitfulness that such self-offering promises to yield in our own human community. May their vulnerability remind us both of our duty to them and of the vulnerability that touches all things. May the sweetness of their honey remind us of the sweetness of love that upholds them, us, and all living beings. And may this reciprocity sustain the bending infinity of Creation itself.

With sweet blessings,

🌱 💚 Lisa


The Graze V.177: An Infrastructure of Companionship


The Graze V.175: Plugged In