The Graze V.177: An Infrastructure of Companionship

Hi Friends:

Isolation crushes the soul. Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy has named loneliness as an epidemic in this country “as deadly as smoking 15 cigarettes a day and more lethal than consuming six alcoholic drinks a day.”

Traditionally, churches or other faith institutions have fulfilled a role of community building. Although Sunday morning gathering is still an important way to be with one another, our post-pandemic world requires new ways to connect.

At Mission Farm, as we co-create this space, we prioritize addressing the urgent epidemic of loneliness. We have heard the calls for a space where connections and companionship can be fostered. We have heard the desire to collaborate in meaningful and relevant ways that make a tangible difference in people's lives. We have heard the plea for collective efforts in conserving and stewarding the earth.

As we make decisions about the future at Mission Farm, we ask ourselves, how can we build an infrastructure of companionship that facilitates social connection? The answers have become clear: Construct spaces that bring people together, specifically outdoor areas that connect individuals with the natural world, and indoor spaces that provide warmth. Develop accessible spaces with gentle paths and clear signage. Cultivate and share food. Find ways to gather people for meaningful and relevant work.

I invite you to join me in this space. I am eager to hear your aspirations for companionship and connection. We need one another.

Blessings as we co-create,

🌱 💚 Lisa


The Graze V.178: To Bless and Be Blessed


The Graze V.176: Flow Like Honey