The Graze V.174: Blue Moon

Hi Friends:

The skies are illuminated this week by the blue moon. (Check out these photographs from across the world!) The luminous evening sky seems appropriate following the festival held last week at Mission Farm. The Meadows and Mountains Festival brought together hundreds of people to enjoy food, listen to music, and celebrate the resilience of our community.

I enjoyed having conversations with many people who had never visited Mission Farm before. I asked them about what they hoped for the future of this community. People spoke about justice. They shared their dream for a space that invites diversity. They spoke about the possibilities of sharing food, telling stories, enjoying music. They told me they were looking for a place to play.

At Mission Farm, we believe that the future is created one gathering at a time. Each time we meet we bring with us the future we want to create. Everyone who gathers has important gifts to offer the whole.

Perhaps the blue moon brings with it a reminder of the connectedness of all. Perhaps the light that shines down on Mission Farm speaks to what is emerging in this place. What is the future of this space? I look forward to co-creating with you!

Blessings of luminosity,

🌱 💚 Lisa


The Graze V.175: Plugged In


The Graze V.173: A Structure of Belonging