The Graze V.165: Essence


As Mission Farm’s Executive Director, I am often asked to articulate the purpose of this space we call Mission Farm. I define the ‘essence’ of this space as a place of connection, conservation, and justice. But what does that mean? This definition is not something that I (or anyone else) thought up alone. The relationship of those who engage in this space defines who we are.

This space is not a container where we say our prayers. This space IS prayer - not a recited prayer but a full-bodied, bigger-than-mind prayer. A walk in the forest. A picnic in the orchard. A moment of reflection with the chickens.

Deep calls to deep. All who live, breathe and walk upon this amazing holy Mother Earth are invited into the flow of love that throbs through every element of life. Perhaps this space (and all of the beauty of the natural world) speaks of the Holy through every blade of grass, drop of water, ‘zip’ of hummingbirds, and majesty of mountains. The invitation is wide. So come. Come those who desire connection. Come those spiritual, not religious,’ Come those curious. Come those who are grieving, those who are celebrating, those who are lost. Respond to this invitation and discover with us the emerging Spirit - on the trails, in the garden, building our community kitchen, sitting in the Odeon with the chickens….Come.

Mission Farm is a space where we meet the Holy as we face the enormity of climate change. This sacred essence of everything that exists teaches us a new way of seeing and acting in the world.

I am grateful for your holy presence here - in the past, today, and in the future,

🌱 Lisa+


The Graze V.166: Tender, Exultant Beauty


The Graze V.164: A Tapestry of Rock and Root